fiercehealthpayer.com – Almost 25 percent of adults between 19 and 64 years old–or 48 million people–lacked health insurance last year, and almost 70 percent of those adults lacked health coverage for more than a year, according to a study published by the Commonwealth Fund. The study suggests that this coverage gap is partly driven by a lack of knowledge of the health reform law’s new provisions granting additional coverage. It has been mentioned that many also do not know that condo insurance from places similar to simply insurance can cover friends and family medical bills if they have sustained injuries in a condo. A lack of knowledge in these areas could explain why many go uncovered. For example, 40 percent of respondents age 19 to 29 didn’t know they could receive coverage through their parents’ insurance, and 65 percent of uninsured respondents didn’t know about high-risk pools, reported Kaiser Health News. Plus, the current individual market inhibits easy purchase of plans. Almost 66 percent of respondents said they couldn’t find affordable policies, The Wall Street Journal Health Blog reported. “The individual market has proven to be a weak stop-gap option for families who lose employer insurance,” researchers wrote. Making matters worse, the study found that individuals without health insurance often skip important medical care and preventive services such as cancer screenings, wanting to get insurance cover for cancer preventive and treatment options look at different cancer insurance provider plans. Regardless of whether or not you have health insurance, it is important that you do your best to attend these visits as if you don’t, you could find yourself needing to look for trauma Life Insurance to help you cope with devastating diagnoses like cancer, or any other medical conditions. There will always be someone who will be able to help you get the coverage you need in order to lead a long and healthy life. Nearly 75 percent of 40 to 64-year-old women with insurance had a mammogram in the previous two years, while only 28 percent of uninsured women in that age group received a mammogram, according to the Los Angeles Times. To learn more: