PRWeb – Healthy Travel Media and Monterrey Healthcare City (MHC) are pleased to announce the publication and launch of Patients Beyond Borders: Monterrey, Mexico Edition, to be published in English for international distribution.
Supported by the leading healthcare facilities of Monterrey, Mexico, the Patients Beyond Borders® research and editorial team worked with MHC to produce this 154-page, fully digital guidebook, which offers an in-depth overview of Monterrey’s leading American-accredited hospitals, selected health travel agents, accommodations, and essential medical travel information for the international patient. The official launch, commencing at 8 a.m. on Monday, February 13, in Monterrey, will include special presentations by Dr. Jesus Zacarias Villarreal Perez, Secretary of Health for the State of Nuevo Leon; Luis Trevino Chapa, Director of the Corporation for Tourism Development of Nuevo Leon; and Dr. Jesus Horacio Gonzalez Trevino, president of the Monterrey Healthcare City Association. Josef Woodman, president and CEO of Patients Beyond Borders, will deliver a brief presentation entitled “Monterrey and Medical Tourism: Closing the International Healthcare Gap.” A separate launch in the US is scheduled on Wednesday, February 15th, in San Antonio, TX. Monterrey now boasts four JCI-accredited hospitals within its city limits, plus an array of private international specialty hospitals and clinics. Readers will learn about Monterrey’s commitment to healthcare, including four first-rate medical schools (Tecnologico de Monterrey, Universidad de Monterrey, Universidad de Montemorelos and the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon), and why thousands of medical travelers from the US, Canada, and the nearby region are making the short trip across the border to Monterrey for medical procedures. “We are so pleased to be partnering with Healthy Travel Media to produce and distribute Patients Beyond Borders: Monterrey, Mexico Edition,” says Dr. Jesus Horacio Gonzalez Trevino, Medical Services director of Clinica Vitro and president of the Monterrey Healthcare City Association. “With medical specialties and procedures at 30-70 percent savings compared to US prices, coupled with easy access from North America, we are not surprised to see that Monterrey has become the choice of many seeking high-quality, affordable international healthcare closer to home.” In addition to comprehensive checklists showing “How to Become a Savvy, Informed Medical Traveler,” readers receive: detailed guidance on budgeting and planning for a medical journey; thorough profiles, including specialties and centers of excellence, of fully accredited Mexican hospitals catering to the international patient; and visitor and sightseeing information on the region, with maps, illustrations, and 24 pages of color inserts showcasing Monterrey’s world-class facilities and attractions. Printed and electronic versions will be available through retail outlets worldwide, Amazon and other online retailers, and MHC. “Over the past few years, Monterrey and Mexico have made great strides in the delivery of top-quality healthcare,” says Josef Woodman, CEO of Patients Beyond Borders. “Once known primarily for affordable dentistry and cosmetic surgery, Monterrey now offers an array of specialties and subspecialties, such as bariatrics/weight management, IVF/reproductive services, orthopedics, cardiology, and cancer treatments, with significant savings over the cost of care in the US.” The new Patients Beyond Borders series of City Editions allows a healthcare cluster (a group of medical facilities within a closely knit geographical area) to focus industry and consumer attention on the unique attributes of its medical infrastructure, leading facilities, and educational and research offerings. PBB City Editions are distributed digitally and in print throughout the world, as well as to selected regions served by that cluster.