Why Silicon Valley Is Running Scared From Healthcare

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Theatlantic.com, by Allan May—Innovation is the jewel in the crown of the US healthcare system. We surely can’t brag about having the most affordable medical insurance, or the longest-living patients. But we can brag, and do brag, about having the most cutting-edge medical- and bio-technology in the world.

So this should scare you. Medical device, biotech and diagnostic companies account for about one-third of all angel and venture capital investments. But today, this system is in collapse, jeopardizing the very foundation of what has made the US healthcare system the envy of the modern world. Why is this happening? I count three reasons. First, the collapse of public financing markets in the financial meltdown of 2008 cooled venture capital funding. The number of venture capital firms and the amount of venture capital have both decreased by roughly two-thirds, to levels not seen since 1994-98. To continue reading click here.  
