Medical tourism is now a popular term globally, and it has a whole new different meaning to different countries. For Americans it means saving on medical expenses. Here the lower income group or middle-income group not covered with medical insurance goes for medical tourism. For Canadians and Europeans it means a savings, as well as avoiding long waiting lines in government hospitals. In these countries, middle-income groups also go for medical tourism because they do not want to wait endlessly for their turn in a government hospital. For Africans it means a better healthcare facility, which is not available in their country. In Africa rich/affluent and upper middle-class families opt for medical tourism. Compared to western countries and Asian tourist countries, medical expenses cost less. For Middle East citizens it is specialist medical treatment, which is not available in their country. The Middle Eastern middle-class and wealthy citizens opt for medical tourism. Earlier Middle East citizens opted for western countries for medical treatment, but after 9/11 due to tightening of visas, they began to travel to Asian countries for medical treatment. In Asian countries, Thailand and Singapore are the two countries that receive maximum medical tourists owing to the quality healthcare infrastructure, minimal or no waiting time and availability of highly skilled doctors. These two countries together accounted for over 60 percent of the total Asian medical tourist arrivals in 2013. In terms of medical tourism spending, Thailand is the leader in the Asian medical tourism market, followed by India in second position. The 3rd edition report on Asia Medical Tourism by Renub Research, “Asia Medical Tourism Analysis & Forecast” provides a comprehensive analysis of the Asia medical tourism market covering in detail various aspects such as Medical Tourists’ Arrival and Medical Tourists Market (spending) in the Top Five Asian Countries. For more information please click on: http://www.researchandmarkets.com/publication/mauf3ja/asia_medical_tourism_analysis