This Week in Medical Travel Today….

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Greetings, As millions of Americans eagerly awaited to hear who the leader of their country would be for the next four years, medical travel professionals awaited the news, but for different reasons. As explored in this issue's FROM THE PUBLISHER column, the re-election of President Barack Obama assures the passage

This Week in Medical Travel Today

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Greetings, We're happy to present Part Two of our INSIDE LOOK column following one company's exploration of medical travel as a benefit option. Now a month or so into the effort, the company is begin to fully appreciate how medical travel may or may not work for their 450+ insured

This Week in Medical Travel Today…

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Greetings, Retail giant Walmart made big news last week with the introduction of a first-of-its-kind Centers of Excellence program (See INDUSTRY NEWS). Working with six prominent health systems across the country, the program provides Walmart covered associates and family members with no out-of-pocket cost for select surgeries. Beyond the opportunity

This Week in Medical Travel Today…

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Greetings, Beginning with today's issue, we'll be featuring an ongoing series (INSIDE LOOK) at how one US-based employer is approaching the prospect of adding medical travel to its benefits option. This will be a watch-it-as-it-unfolds type of series and one that will surely be of interest to other employers, benefits

This Week in Medical Travel Today…

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Greetings, The impact of healthcare reform is on the minds of many Americans, including Medical Travel Today's own publisher, Laura Carabello. In this week's PUBLISHER'S PERSPECTIVE she shares how she anticipates reform affecting the flow of patients, and a few of the ways providers and employers may adjust to rising

This Week in Medical Travel Today…

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Greetings, As summer in the northern hemisphere draws to a close many of us are resuming a "back to work" attitude and beginning to pull together travel budgets and plans for the year ahead. As evidenced under UPCOMING EVENTS, there's seemingly no limit to possible destinations and topics for consideration

This Week in Medical Travel Today…

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Greetings, While partnering is hardly a new trend in medical travel, it is one that's generating a lot of attention lately in the US. Concerns about the Affordable Care Act are motivating providers, payers, suppliers and other healthcare organizations to actively consider and pursue partnerships to address the potential realities

This Week in Medical Travel Today…

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Greetings, There are few destinations that epitomize the promise and challenges of medical travel better than Dubai. Once heralded as the future face of the industry, Dubai and, in particular, Dubai's Healthcare City, were designed with noble aspirations and lofty ambitions. Then, like the rest of the world, it suffered

This Week in Medical Travel Today…

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Greetings, Transparency is a word that gets thrown around a lot in medical care. While the term is frequently applied to costs, its scope in the world of medical travel is expanding. In this week's SPOTLIGHT we speak with two individuals who are seeking to bring greater transparency to the

This Week in Medical Travel Today…

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Greetings, Not surprisingly, the day the Supreme Court handed down its 5-4 vote in favor of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), the front page of The New York Times featured a story on the then-pending ruling. What was interesting was the fact that editors ran a story about medical