Temos Certificate “Quality in International Patients’ Care” for Mediterraneo Hospital Athens, Greece

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As a tertiary care hospital, Mediterraneo Hospital in Athens, Greece, received the Temos Certificate “Quality in International Patients' Care” and fulfills the Temos quality criteria on the medical and non-clinical service level with top grades. Dr. Georgia Dragini, CEO and vice president of the Board of Mediterraneo Hospital commented: “The

Walmart Expands Health Benefits to Cover Heart and Spine Surgeries at No Cost to Associates

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BENTONVILLE, Ark., Oct. 11, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- As health care costs continue to rise, Walmart is introducing a first-of-its-kind Centers of Excellence program that will offer its associates quality health care with no out-of-pocket cost for heart, spine, and transplant surgeries at six of the leading hospital and health systems

Mercury Advisory Group Awarded Contract in Nigeria

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DENVER —Mercury Advisory Group (mercuryadvisorygroup.com) says it has been awarded a contract to build a 200-hospital in Awka, Nigeria.  The first phase will include a fact-finding mission to visit the proposed building site and begin research and interviews to conduct a feasibility study and develop the concept document and

Health tourism: GP surgeries selling ‘black market’ access to NHS

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telegraph.co.uk - Surgery practice managers and ‘fixers’ have been secretly filmed selling access to doctors, enabling foreign nationals who have no legal right to free hospital treatment to be seen without paying. Although hospitals should check if foreign patients are entitled to free National Health Service (NHS) hospital care, Panorama found many