Mercury Advisory Group Releases 30 Key Findings from Medical Tourism Benchmarking Research

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Editor's Note: Mercury Advisory Group consultants have released significant research findings of potential interest and use for those involved in the shaping of national medical tourism strategies. Based on information gathered when benchmarking medical tourism market initiatives throughout the world for various clients, these findings have the potential to make it

Eggs on Demand in Lawless Market

Fallback Image - Advancing technology and growing medical tourism have helped in vitro fertilization thrive in India, but with little regulation. Egg donors are chosen and paid according to their profile, with touts and agencies arranging them for hospitals and recipients. And the donor is often at risk, a fact highlighted

READERS WRITE: Kate Kyoungmi Kang

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Editor's Note : Kate Kyoungmi Kang, MHA, works as a medical tourism consultant at Ipock International Healthcare Consulting, LLC.  Her interests lie in growing the Korean Medical Tourism market and creating global infrastructure to facilitate the growing industry. As a recent master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) graduate, I am excited to be

The Tourism Observatory for Health, Wellness and Spa Launches Constellation Series

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The Tourism Observatory for Health, Wellness and Spa (TOHWS) has launched the publication of its trend forecasts, under the name of the 'Constellation Series.' The series draws on TOHWS' 15+ years of experience in medical travel including research, consulting work, and involvement in professional and academic events and presentations. TOWHS