Editor’s Note: HealthDay.com recently featured an article regarding a debate over a study on the actual cost of cancer care in the United States. Led by Tomas Philipson, the chair in Public Policy at theUniversity of Chicago, the study looked at cancer care in the United States and in 10 European countries from 1983 to 1999. Investigators found that for most cancers, U.S. patients lived longer than Europeans, with Americans living an average of 11.1 years after diagnosis while Europeans survived an average 9.3 years. Based on the data gathered, Philipson argues the dollar value of care provided in the United States is greater than that in Europe. However, Dr. Otis Brawley, the chief medical officer and executive vice president at the American Cancer Society, does not agree, noting “this paper has a huge fatal flaw in it.” To read the complete story, click here.