Temos, the German-based quality certification company and Marmassistance, Turkish market leader in medical assistance, have joined forces in a strategic partnership to co-assess private hospitals and clinics in Turkey. The partnership will be titled “Temos in partnership with Marmassistance.” According to the partnership agenda, Marmassistance will evaluate and improve the Temos quality criteria and certification process, and support it by means of mutually carried out assessments. In mixed teams, a Marmassistancedoctor and a Temos quality expert will visit the hospitals which applied for the Temos certificate and quality seal. By taking Temos’ high profile, widely expanding quality certification system as an origin, and adding Marmassistance’s experience and knowledge of the local dynamics and challenges of the Turkish market, the certification will be of benefit for all involved parties. Following the assessments, hospitals/clinics that meet the required criteria will be granted “Quality in International Patient Care” and/or “Excellence in Medical Tourism” certifications by Temos in partnership with Marmassistance. The joint effort aims to combine Temos’s neutral, independent and scientific approach to healthcare quality certification with Marmassistance’s practical know-how gained from 26 years’ international patient operations in Turkey, as well as its leading expertise in medical cost control mechanisms. Temos has been rapidly expanding in the international market as the only quality assessment system focusing on medical tourism and international patient care. Marmassistance, as the leading medical assistance company in Turkey, has been conducting quality assessments to private hospitals in Turkey to ensure a smoother process between hospitals and travel insurance and assistance companies. Marmassistance CEO, Hans Biekmann, celebrated this joint venture, saying “We are delighted to have embarked upon this journey with the likes of a truly professional company as Temos. We have always been doing our best to make sure private hospitals and clinics in Turkey understand, embrace and integrate the highest quality standards within their operations. Now, we have the perfect partner to take this to the next level and we are very excited.” Temosmanaging director, Dr. Claudia Mika, also commented on the latest developments, “As the leading medical assistance company in Turkey, we believe Marmassistance is the perfect partner for us in Turkey. Their familiarity with Turkish hospitals, experience in managing international patients and sensitivity in medical cost control are essential for us in assessing the quality of Turkish hospitals in consideration with the local culture and environment. On top of that, we are assured from practical case experiences and evaluations made.” Biekmann added “With Temos’ scientific and professional approach to quality management and our practical hands-on experience in managing international patients and cost control mechanisms in Turkey, this is a truly powerful collaboration. We know the nature of Turkish international patient care inside-out. Fair pricing procedure and efficient patient processing are all strong indicators of quality. I cannot think of a quality hospital that misses any one of these truly essential qualities in their operations. In partnership with Temos, we are sure to achieve the highest level of quality in Turkish private hospitals/clinics.” Dr. Mika added, “By improving the quality of international patient care in Turkish private hospitals and clinics, all stakeholders of the industry will win. The patient, the Ministry of Health and Economy, hospital/clinic, facilitators, foreign travel insurers, and assistance companies are all winners. Additionally, by improving the service level given to international patients, more and more patients will come to Turkey for treatment, while tourists who receive treatment during their holiday will leave the country with greater impressions.”