by Amanda Haar, Editor Greetings, I came to a realization this week: trying to wrap your arms around all that medical travel encompasses is a bit like trying to hold onto a hyperactive greased pig on growth hormones. Every time you think you’ve got a handle on it, it wriggles free in a completely new direction. And once you think you’ve caught up to it you realize it’s even bigger than it was before, with more power and potential than ever conceived of before. The conversations I had leading up to this week’s issue (and a few future ones) drove this point home in a big way. From employers trying to maximize savings and researchers grappling with economic impact to providers and insurers looking for ways to better ensure quality care and service, medical travel has implications and potential impact as far reaching as any other industry. But lest you wrestle with this pig alone, a number of the key topics will be addressed at the upcoming Well-Being and Medical Travel Conference 2012 slated for June 20-21, 2012, in Scottsdale, Ariz. Speakers, including Medical Travel Today’s publisher Laura Carabello, will address topics including creating global standards, associated legal issues, the role of travel agents, insuring traveling patients, and more. While it may not answer every question you have about medical travel it will give you a better handle on a few key aspects. At least for now. As always, we welcome your comments, story ideas, and press releases. Cheers, Amanda Haar, Editor [email protected]