THIS WEEK IN MEDICAL TRAVEL TODAY Volume 5, Issue 21 Greetings, According to a new report from Aon Hewitt, the average cost of health coverage per US employee will surpass the $10,000 mark for the first time next year. Not surprisingly, employee contributions are also expected to rise to a new level ($2,306). This harsh reality will no doubt send employees and employers scrambling for more affordable options for care. On the list of options, HSAs emerge as a contender for the top spot on the list of options. Combined with medical travel, HSAs offer both personal choice and savings, and may provide the ease and entrée that American consumers need to make the medical travel leap. Adding more insight to the discussion is J. Kevin A. McKechnie, Executive Director of the American Bankers Association. We’re pleased to present Part Two of our conversation with him below. Finally, thanks to everyone who ordered a copy of our new book, Medical Travel Today: Opinions and Perspectives on an Industry in the Making. Were grateful for the positive feedback and support. As always, we welcome your comments, story ideas and press releases. Cheers, Amanda Haar, Editor [email protected]