This Week in Medical Travel Today…

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Greetings, Obstacles and opportunities seem to pervade this issue’s news. From India, where new government visa restrictions are having a devastating effect on patient flow from Pakistan, to Malaysia, where a hands-on government approach is facilitating the creation of visa and extensions to increase patient flow and improve patient experience, the contrasts are dramatic. We’re also pleased to present the top ten wellness travel trends for 2013 as projected by Wellness Tourism Worldwide. From digital detox and spiritual seeking to intergenerational family holidays and sleep, the world of wellness is expanding with new and intriguing opportunities. Finally, we’re grateful to John Maa, M.D., of the University of California, San Francisco for offering his perspective on the future of medical travel and how to achieve a better return on investment of our healthcare dollars. As always, we welcome your comments, story ideas and press releases.   Cheers, Amanda Haar, Editor [email protected]