Greetings, Regular readers of Medical Travel Today may notice that I chose to play a little loose with our traditional editorial structure this issue and not lead with our SPOTLIGHT interview. I did so because I felt that the opening OPINION piece offered some interesting history and context to the SPOTLIGHT. A 30-year veteran of the US healthcare system, Jeffrey Singer, M.D., provides an excellent overview of the demise of the American healthcare system, beginning in the 1980s and continuing to the present day. The problems he cites have contributed to the decision by many healthcare professionals, including Dr. Singer, to consider leaving the field altogether, as well as the current need for reform. As Dr. Singer notes, despite the problems dragging the system down opportunities are arising. These same opportunities are addressed in the SPOTLIGHT by Kimberly Smith, partner and managing co-director, of Witt/Kieffer. I think its an interesting dual perspective on the current state of affairs and the potential future for customized care and medical travel. As always, we welcome your comments, story ideas and press releases. Cheers, Amanda Haar, Editor [email protected] |