YOU’RE INVITED: Attend the 2nd Annual IHC Private Exchange FORUM in Baltimore, MD, September 8-9th as a VIP guest! Private Exchange FORUM is part of the only industry conference series where you can learn how to benefit from the massive private exchange transition. According to the latest estimates, over six million Americans already receive their employee benefits via a private exchange – and this number is expected to balloon to over 40 million within the next several years. Meanwhile, a dizzying amount of information – articles, product announcements, acquisitions and predictions – on private exchanges has flooded employee benefits circles in recent years. As press releases and articles detailing strong enrollment growth have consistently hit industry publications, blogs and social media pages, so too has quite a bit of misinformation on what a private exchange is and what it can (or can’t) do. Private Exchange FORUM is a collaborative environment that brings together all industry stakeholders to explore and truly investigate what’s working and what’s not in the emerging private exchange market. The goal is to help all stakeholders cut through the clutter by crafting a balanced conference program that eschews misinformation and gets to the heart of the issues around private exchanges and defined contribution. Click here for an offer to gain free registration!