Medical Travel Month Guest Blog: Gill Elliot, Medical Tourism Business
At Medical Tourism Business, we are committed to supplying essential training and business development tools to health tourism agents and other stakeholders in the global healthcare sector.
Our annual memberships come with our health and wellness travel certification, plus every resource needed to start, operate, and manage a medical tourism startup.
Below are some of our most popular membership benefits:
Certification and Accreditation in Wellness and Medical Tourism
We provide an easy-to-follow health tourism online course that shows you how to build a medical travel agency from scratch. During the training, you will learn facts, statistics, and strategies from medical tourism experts.
This course was tailor-made for startup medical tourism facilitators, which sets it apart from other training programs in the global healthcare industry.
Medical Tourism Facilitator Agreements and Contracts
These are contractual agreements between the “medical tourism facilitator and healthcare provider” to ensure both agree on mutually beneficial terms.
Patient Waiver Contracts
These are contractual agreements between the “patient and the medical tourism company” and will mitigate your liability if something goes unplanned during the medical trip.
Business Plan for Health Tourism
Our medical tourism business plan is an essential startup tool and can serve as a blueprint for your organization. This roadmap projects 3-5 years ahead and outlines your company’s route to success.
Medical Tourism Website Templates
All MTB members get a 20% discount on medical tourism website templates and custom-designed websites. Website templates allow you to get online quickly by utilizing a pre-design website created for medical tourism companies. Each template can be personalized for your liking.
Digital Marketing
Marketing is the lifeblood of a company because it allows you to present your service to your ideal customer. If you don’t have a website or your website isn’t ranked on Google search engine for international patients searching for medical travel, you may never be able to build credibility and attract clients consistently to sustain long-term success.
All MTB members receive a 20% discount on marketing services such as Google Ads and Search Engine Optimization campaigns.
Global Medical Tourism Directory
Thousands of medical tourists visit our online directories looking for more information about traveling abroad for medical treatment. By being listed on our directories, you allow patients to learn more about your service and how your company can assist them in the medical tourism process.
Each exclusive listing includes a corporate profile with your organization’s contact information, logo, and company bio. Get more exposure for your company by listing your organization on our global directory.
Networking Opportunities
Our membership networking platform provides your medical tourism business with endless opportunities to network with healthcare providers and fellow members.
Ready to grow your business in the health tourism industry? Contact us today!
Gilliam Elliott Jr.
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.medicaltourismbusiness.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/gilliam-e-590a19b8/
Instagram: Instagram.com/gilliamelliottjr

Digital Transformation Helps Employers Build Superior Health Benefit Experiences
Benefits decision-makers need to determine which innovations provide optimal results for delivering patient-centered, quality and cost-effective care.
Michael Gorton, MS, JD, CEO & Founder of Recuro Health, and founding CEO and Chairman of Teladoc
The digital transformation in health care is nothing short of remarkable, as employers recognize the value of meaningful digital solutions to provide greater health benefit experiences for their employees and retain members during open enrollment season. Digital health has the advantage of providing access to care no matter where people live or work and at any time. In this process, it is essential for benefits decision-makers to determine which innovations provide optimal results for delivering patient-centered, quality and cost-effective care.
Building a Strong Foundation for Digital Transformation
Prior to the pandemic, there was marginal adoption of digital health solutions compared to the uptake and utilization surge that ensued with the widespread prevalence of COVID-19. The phenomenal, growing adoption of telehealth, for example, provided access to health care when in-person provider visits were simply not possible. As a result of these virtual experiences, people are now more confident in telehealth and dependent upon digital health as an essential component of everyday health care along with in-person visits.
Additionally, there are demographic changes in the U.S. driving this digital transformation, especially an expanded aging population which will need more advanced care. More and more people want to see their doctors virtually and get bloodwork online — rather than traveling to a physician’s office or lab if they can possibly avoid doing so.
But digital transformation doesn’t happen overnight. Over time, it requires a connected health care ecosystem of many players working across silos to provide the best care. Key to this change is enhancing the patient experience, a conclusion reached in a recent survey of health plan technology leaders which reported that building a strong foundation for digital transformation is part of enriching the patient journey.
Digital solutions address another significant concern: the Association of American Medical College reports that the U.S. faces a shortage of 21,400 to 55,200 primary care physicians by 2033, with the pandemic only highlighting this challenge to accessing care.
An effective digital patient engagement strategy directly addresses these issues with emerging support for moving away from a reactive approach to health care to a proactive model in which engagement tools and support bolster both patients and health care providers. Clearly, integrated digital solutions that improve coordination between all stakeholders – providers, patients and payers – is improving the quality of care, access to treatment and outcomes.
Read the full article here.
Written by Michael Gorton, MS, JD, is CEO, and founder of Recuro Health, and founding CEO and Chairman of Teladoc.
For more information about Recuro’s capabilities, contact [email protected]
2022 Outlook for Travel Insurance Buyers
By Michelle Megna
Forbes.com–Since the pandemic started, travelers have been buying more protection for trip cancellations, and the industry is addressing coverage for Covid-related issues and moving toward more flexibility and transparency.
Many travelers are eager to book voyages for 2022, and they’re adding insurance to their plans. Travel insurance sales increased 53% in the days right after news of the Omicron variant, according to Squaremouth, a travel insurance comparison provider.
To view the original article in its entirety, click here.
Biden Says if Medical Team Advises It, He’ll Issue Domestic Travel Vaccine Requirement
By Alex Gangitano
TheHill.com–President Biden said Tuesday he would impose a mandate that Americans be vaccinated against COVID-19 to travel domestically if his medical team recommends it.
When asked when he would make a decision on domestic travel vaccine requirements while out for a walk in Rehoboth Beach, Del., Biden told reporters, “when I get a recommendation from the medical team.”
To view the original article in its entirety, click here.
Omicron and Holiday Travel: How to Strategize
By Heather Murphy
NYTimes.com–For those who are determined to keep their travel plans, figuring out how to do so responsibly has never been more confusing. Part of the problem is that testing has been hard to obtain in a timely way, particularly in hard-hit cities like New York.
Another key challenge is that many people plan to stay in a house with fully vaccinated friends and family. Now, they are learning that vaccination is far from a guarantee that they won’t infect one another.
To view the original article in its entirety, click here.
Pandemic travel can be safe, but airports are an essential piece of the picture
By Kat Eschner
Fortune.com— As the pandemic slouches toward its third year, flying is making a comeback of sorts. From the crater of April 2020, when the global industry saw overall demand decline by nearly 95%, passenger air travel has built back up to an estimated 40% of pre-pandemic levels in 2021.
“Airports have done a lot and invested significantly in measures to provide for the health and safety of air travelers and workers,” says Christopher Bidwell, senior VP of security for Airports Council International—North America (ACI-NA).
To view the original article in its entirety, click here.
How Effective Are Travel Bans During a Pandemic?
Healthline.com— Travel bans during the COVID-19 pandemic have been controversial, with some alleging racism in how they’re implemented. The current travel ban is no exception — it’s been criticized as being unfairly punitive to the countries involved.
In addition, there have been questions about whether travel bans even work.
Just how effective are travel bans, what are their flaws, and are they worth it despite these problems?
To view the original article in its entirety, click here.