An International Perspective On The Paradoxes Of US Health Care
healthaffairs.org – Each year, the Commonwealth Fund selects an international cohort of Harkness Fellows in health care policy and practice, consisting of mid-career researchers, policy makers, and practitioners with leading positions in their countries, who come to the US to study the health care system, work with renowned US health policy experts, and provide input to US health care and research, drawing on insights from their own international contexts.
Soft drinks – sugared or low-calorie – may raise the risk of early death
Reutershealth.com – Consumption of soft drinks, whether they’re sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners, may raise the risk of premature death, new research suggests.
Cancer overtakes heart disease as biggest rich-world killer
reuters.com – Cancer has overtaken heart disease as the leading cause of death in wealthy countries and could become the world’s biggest killer within just a few decades if current trends persist, researchers said on Tuesday.