Trump Makes it Easier for Employers to Pay Workers for Health Coverage
CNN.com– The Trump administration is expanding employers’ ability to give workers cash to buy heath care coverage elsewhere, including on the Obamacare exchanges, senior officials announced Monday.
Although Widely Deployed, Employees Slow to Use Telemedicine
EmployeeBenefitAdviser.com – While the majority of employer-sponsored healthcare plans offered in the United States cover the cost of telemedicine,many employees don’t take advantage of the service.
Despite red flags at surgery centers, overseers award gold seals
FierceHealthcare.com – At his surgery center near San Diego, Rodney Davis wore scrubs, was referred to as “Dr. Rod” and carried the title of director of surgery. But he was a physician assistant, not a doctor, who anesthetized patients and performed liposuction with little input from his supervising doctor, court records show.
Gilead to Make Generic Hepatitis C Drugs and Cut Prices Up to 75%
Xconomy.com – Many large drug companies go to extraordinary lengths to fend off generic competition and extend the life of their patents, but Gilead today announced a highly unusual move in the opposite direction.