Medicine alone can’t lengthen US lives. We need to invest outside the health care system
Usatoday.com –For the third consecutive year, life expectancy in the United States has declined. In fact, for the past 60 years our life expectancy has dropped in comparison to other rich countries. As we consider the state of our union, we should ask ourselves how this is possible, since the United States spends more on health care than any other country in the world.
Transparent Hospital Pricing Exposes Wild Fluctuation, Even Within Miles
Californiahealthline.org– The federal government’s new rule requiring hospitals to post prices for their services is intended to allow patients to shop around and compare prices, a step toward price transparency that California has mandated since 2005.
Dispatch from Davos: Hospitals of the future will not be traditional hospitals
Statnews.com –I had the honor of taking part in a panel on the future of hospitals today at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The central question before us was this: “How can providers be more effective at addressing the social determinants of health before more patients arrive at the hospital door?”