About Amanda Rieger Green
Amanda Rieger Green is a world-renowned psychic medium, spiritual intuitive and wellness leader.
Over the past decade, Amanda Rieger Green, MPH has consulted for thousands of clients including Fortune 500 companies, CEOs, world leaders, government officials, communities, institutions, and seekers from all walks of life looking for spiritual connection and a path forward in their personal evolution.
Amanda empowers her clients, engaging their innate abilities to create tangible, meaningful results in their daily lives.
Guided by her belief that everyone is searching for their evolving meaning and purpose, Amanda connects them to their soul’s clearest path to higher consciousness. A passionate advocate, teacher and thought leader, she’s focused on the crucial intersections of spirituality, human potential, public health, and collective evolution.
Amanda holds a B.A. in Religion from Sewanee, The University of the South and a Master’s Degree from Boston University in Public Health, with dual concentrations in Health Law, Bioethics, Human Rights and Health Services. She’s also a certified yoga instructor (200 Hour RYT) and Reconnective Healing practitioner.
Amanda’s Journey
Over a decade ago, Amanda embarked on a journey where her life changed forever…
Her spiritual awakening revealed Amanda’s ultimate calling to live, teach, and inspire transcendent awakening, growth, and alignment through the integration of spirituality, psychology, biology, metaphysics, quantum mechanics and humanitarianism.
Amanda’s spiritual interest began at a young age with a “knowing” that paths to God are not singular, but plural, vast, and multidimensional like the stretching branches of a great tree. Her precognitive and psychic medium abilities manifested throughout early childhood but were suppressed due to insecurity and misunderstanding.
After continuing her spiritual quest in academia, Amanda climbed the ranks in organizational and business development as a healthcare executive while simultaneously battling trauma, addiction, and depression, during which her psychic abilities fully came to fruition.

About Soul Pathology
Soul Pathology, led by visionary founder Amanda Rieger Green, is a transformative force in the realm of wellness and personal growth. With a diverse background encompassing public and spiritual health, Amanda harnesses her intuitive and psychic gifts to guide individuals and organizations on a path towards transformation and resilience. Soul Pathology stands at the forefront of promoting transformative resilience and cultivating a profound sense of meaning and value in the pursuit of overall well-being. For more visit www.soulpathology.com
Medical Travel & Digital Health News (MTDHN): What is Soul Pathology and why did you start this company?
Amanda Rieger Green (ARG): Soul Pathology was born from a place of examining all aspects of myself. It started as a self-discovery tool to better understand my psychology, emotional intelligence, physical body, consciousness and energy field.
Once I began exploring various pathways of health and well-being around my mental outlooks, emotional highs and lows, physical health, disease and the ever-evolving fluctuations of being human, I recognized my immune systems were tanked. It was a difficult season of life, and all aspects of my being reflected a deficit, including my energy field or state of consciousness.
I was unable to process emotions intelligently or healthfully. I faced physical health challenges. Energetically and spiritually, I felt lifeless, burnt out and empty. I was searching and unable to find the tools and resources to help. This led me to become more involved in psychological, therapeutic, spiritual and emotionally intelligent healing modalities. I started by making the decision to heal. By focusing on improving my physical health and wellness through simple actions such as eating well, nutrition, exercising and getting good sleep, I started to lay a foundation for much deeper and sustainable healing.
Quickly, I recognized a correlation working on all parts of the immune systems in tandem to create a greater sense of health, wellness and well-being.
My academic background is in public health. Thus, looking at opportunities, we as individuals and within our communities have to create greater public health and wellness was a natural progression for my motivations or my “why.”
My expertise in the corporate world of operations, business development and human capital naturally aligned with my just cause. Inspiring people with their own innate abilities is what lights my fire. All the moving parts were aligning to encourage me to find ways to not only create optimal health and wellness in my own life, but to support and collaborate with others as well.
Once I started personally committing to self-health, diving into my own practices and work consistently, with a dedicated determination, I saw results. I became healthier, happier, more well-rested and began feeling a sense of value permeating my entire being. I recognized how the physical, mental, emotional and energetic components of wellness were creating a synergy and cohesion in my life. It was then that I knew that this was going to be relatable to other people.
Since this time, I have worked on-to-one with thousands of clients and witnessed incredible results. If we can individually make the decision to heal, our mind, body and spirit why can’t organizations do this?
I love working with groups, organizations and corporations. The collective energy can be harnessed and funneled into remarkable aims. The opportunities within any given organization are limitless if the leadership supports the space and energy to heal.
We have an exciting opportunity to create a synergy between the well-being of employers and employees and the consciousness of the company as a whole, adding value, productivity and resulting in optimal wellness. There is this pathology that comes together that starts from soulful and personal place of wanting to be better, to do well, and to feel valued.
These are the things that are very human. It’s pretty simple stuff.
This is a personal mission that is close to my heart, but it is also much broader than that; it is humanitarian. Organizations have a wide-open playing field to push the ball forward with human potential. Guess what else? It will add to their bottom line because that is what happens when we collectively get on the same page and harness our efforts towards something greater.
The scope can be narrowed to look at how we operate as companies, teams, and employers and how we show up for work and feel more efficient. We can also see how we take that home to our families and personal lives. It contributes to the bottom line of our lives, work and general experience.
MTDHN: Can you tell us more about the program and the array of services that you have available to employers?
ARG: We offer a multifaceted approach that can be combined or a la carte.
At Soul Pathology we implement long-term, accessible and cost-effective solutions. We have a myriad of opportunities for employers such as broker breakfasts, lunch and learn sessions, executive consulting, management training, synchronous/asynchronous programs, newsletters, wellness days, corporate wellness retreats webinars and health fairs. Employers can identify program-types that work for their organizations; what fits within their culture and responds prudently to their unique needs and objectives to create greater health and wellness. They can then begin to incorporate these a la carte services tailored to their goals, with accessible ways of approaching whatever level of the business needs assistance.
Whether you’re working with managers, the executive team or a certain fraction of the population within the organization, it can be harnessed to infiltrate and impact the whole organization.
MTDHN: Can these programs and services be accessed from anywhere in the United States?
ARG: Absolutely.
We live in a virtual world and there are synchronous and asynchronous teaching mechanisms and tools.We can do virtual work with newsletters and lectures, but we can also do in-person training and connection. I personally enjoy the in-person aspect. Through inspired discussion and dialogue, we are able to form a connection and build trust, which seems to be a challenge in many corporations and organizations. We can also do this virtually, but I believe it is more effective in person, at least to start.
MTDHN: What is the ROI for the employers you currently serve?
ARG: First and foremost, the ROI is centered around employee well-being. We look at improving performance and health and well-being as well as addressing attendance or mental health challenges.It also adds impact to employees feeling valued, heard and recognized. It can contribute to physical health and well-being and add benefits in terms of the sustainability of not only the corporation as a whole, but the employee.
With retention and hiring practices, when employees know they are valued and their health and well-being is invested in, it creates trust and a reciprocity that then creates traction, retention, evolution and growth. When we optimize health as a cornerstone in an organization, we create an infinite-minded outlook for the future and longevity of the organization.
It’s not solely about what’s going on today; this is a conversation about what we are building for the future and how we’re doing it through investing in the health and well-being of our people.
MTDHN: If a company does not provide these kinds of programs, could an employer opt to make them available through a voluntary benefit that employees could then take advantage of?
ARG: Yes. With voluntary benefits, if an employee is seeking and wanting more resources for their wellness, whether it’s in mental or physical health, employers have the option to opt into these services. This shows employees that their company is forward-thinking and care about their mental and physical health and wellness.
Many people today are feeling disassociation and a lack of fulfillment. I see a disengaged and exhausted workforce. When an employer demonstrates a true investment in the wellness of its people, the results are exciting. I believe employers can truly value and invest in services and resources employees need for longevity and optimal well-being. It says a lot to an employee about what their company is investing in, not only individually, but collectively for the long term.
MTDHN: Benefits are usually offered as a package toward the end of the year, but it sounds like this could be an opportunity to add on a benefit at any time during the year.
ARG: Absolutely. Preventative healthcare and continual focus on health and wellness is crucial. Wellness isn’t just one day of the year or for responding to a crisis, it should be a cornerstone of any organization wanting to thrive. Soul Pathology incorporates health & wellness tools, resources and benefits designed to service the employee and employer at any given time.
If you are going through a personal crisis or something has happened that has affected your life or physical health and well-being, you can pick up these resources. Whether preventative or in response to a situation that has triggered health and wellness event for the person individually, Soul Pathology offers solutions.
MTDHN: How much does this cost? What can an employer or individual budget for this?
ARG: The cost varies depending on the types of services, the size of the organization and how many employees or what subsets of employees they want to include.Employers might provide services only for managers, executives or certain departments. So, the cost is factored in by the number of people and audience, depending on what the training or offerings are selected.
There can also be subsets in working with departments, management groups, executive teams or the organization as a whole or offering one-to-one services.
From an investment standpoint, it is case by case and looking at the size and scope of what tools and services uniquely match the organization.The investment from the employer would be looked at as adding this on as an employee benefit. However, it depends on the nature of the service. The employer oftentimes would invest in the cost of the training, tools, resources and accessibility. If it is something like a wellness retreat, the employer may ask the employee to contribute a portion towards their participation.Whereas if it is something like management training, the employer would cover that.
MTDHN: Are there any competitors in the kind of unique services that you offer?
ARG: Yes. There are a plethora of health and wellness programs that exist. However, Soul Pathology’s approach to health and wellness emphasizes integration resilience as well as intervention. It is about the long, infinite game of engaging our employees, working on their optimal health and well-being to promote sustainability, longevity and trust.
We are looking at the psychological aspect of helping with tools and simple, accessible practices that can help clear the mind and expand consciousness. We’re looking at breathwork and body work, the foods we eat, the sleep we get as well as supplements we can take to boost and harness physical health and well-being, and then tapping into our intuition using our true voice—trusting ourselves and being able to find that that voice within our workspaces as team members and leaders.
Soul Pathology offers something that is extremely innovative and is pushing the edge and boundaries of what wellness looks like. We evolve wellness in the corporate arena to bust through some glass ceilings around not only productivity but raising a consciousness within the organization.
We’re not only looking at physical health and well-being, but we are also looking at the health and well-being of the organization and the consciousness around that. This centers in its people and creating a cohesion between the individuals and the organization itself.
MTDHN: Rather than treating illness, your approach is treating wellness. Do you think that employers are ready to do this? What’s your sense in the market?
ARG: I think employers have a fear around this in terms of cost or investment and tangible ROI. There may be ROI and return immediately if people are more engaged and see results in their own productivity, mental health and their ability to do better work synergistically within their teams. However, this is something that employers have struggled with as far as how tangible their ROI is, how they can really invest in wellness and where they are going to start seeing bottom line results.
Companies who recognize that their people are the bottom line and valued as integral to the ongoing success and longevity of their organization, they are the infinite-minded players in the marketplace. These organizations are always pushing the boundaries and the edges to create greater health and wellness for their people and the whole of the company. Oftentimes, employers who are a bit resistant feel like health and wellness type benefits are fringe and not something that is crucial to the wellness of their organization.
When leaders of organizations and corporations recognize that the wellness of their people correlates with the wellness of the organization, that’s where the synergy is and the two interconnect. It’s a sweet spot for becoming exceptional. Therefore, it takes more of a revolutionary leader to recognize that the investment around accessible wellness benefits and making it part of the work culture adds not only value but productivity, which can have a myriad of profound, long-term impacts in sustainability and growth.
MTDHN: Do you work alone or do you bring in other team members to these retreats or activities that you conduct?
ARG: I enjoy teamwork and harnessing the expertise of various talents. Having other subject matter experts and consultants bringing in other experts, knowledge, resources, techniques etc. to support and carry forward whatever area of wellness we are looking at adds value. There is a greater wealth of wellness in working and collaborating with others where necessary.
MTDHN: Does your website include information about all these programs and services?
AR: Absolutely. On the website, each of the a la carte areas that Soul Pathology specializes in, whether it’s in corporate wellness, retreats or broker breakfasts, we have a detailed description of each of those services. In addition, each service can be highly personalized and tailored to the needs, vision and values of the organization.
MTDHN: What is your long-term goal for Soul Pathology?
ARG: My goal is to evolve wellness and advance our human potential in all aspects of living. I want to integrate health and wellness as a humanitarian culture. We live in extraordinary times where we have unprecedented access to technology, innovation, intelligence and opportunities like never before. What if we curated and refined our biological and physiological gifts, talents and abilities as individuals and combined them with our organizations? This surely would make a tremendous and cutting-edge impact on quality of life and health while cultivating greater fulfillment and engagement. Another important aspect of wellness is happiness and enjoyment.
When an individual feels engaged, their synapses are firing and wiring, they feel like a part of something bigger and truer to themselves and their lives. Something happens and it’s almost as if by magic—it’s mystical; it’s transcendent. When we show up as our whole selves, we’re capable of fascinating and astounding contributions. That’s what Soul Pathology is aimed at—astounding people and organizations with their innate abilities to harness whatever potential is untapped.
We aim to provide great access to quality care and wellness programs for employees that not only address existing physical or mental health challenges but also intervene and halt the progression of avoidable diseases and mental health issues. By intervening with Soul Pathology, employers can mitigate the downstream costs of hospitalizations, mental illnesses, chronic condition management as well as impact the total cost of care. These are all things that are impacted by wellbeing.
MTDHN: Let’s talk about the impact of COVID-19 on the uncertainty and volatility of life today. How does Soul Pathology help people find their center in the midst of this pandemic?
ARG: I am a fundamental believer that personal meaning and purpose aligned with an organization is imperative for longevity, optimal health and well-being. Our response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and how it has disrupted our lives in ways where we are still experiencing massive fallout.
The way we work is different–we learned to work more remotely and because of that, people do not want to be in the office five days a week, necessarily. Many people now prefer different kinds of flexibility in their working environments. Each organization and job are unique but looking at what works to create a greater sense of reciprocity and trust between the employer and the employee to also get optimal results is part of the gift of COVID.
It’s almost forcing some employers to recognize that this investment in their employees’ health and well-being may be non-negotiable and that there is something to it.
COVID created a dialogue that can’t be shoved under the rug like it had been in the past such as during the financial crisis of 2008, when there were massive layoffs and HR benefits might have been looked at as fringe. I was personally a part of that—doing organizational employee development under the branch of HR. Even though the work I was doing was substantial, they made a massive cut and eventually, HR got the cut. I think the dialogue is drastically dire and different today around where we can invest our resources and what’s non-negotiable.
In addition, of course, COVID created health challenges. There are many residual health challenges that we still do not understand that are still unfolding and expressing themselves, whether they’re physical or mental health challenges. There were massive rises in suicide and mental health issues that arose from COVID and were brought to the surface.
These are the areas where this conversation of wellness cannot be swept under the rug and must be considered non-negotiable. We must look at solutions and new ways of embracing this.
As far as the volatility of the world of humanity is concerned, this is probably one of my favorite questions, because it can either keep us up at night—the fear of all the terror and the horrible things that happen in life—or we can become responsible human beings. We can engage and activate our own empowerment, voice and health and well-being, and make an impact in our day-to-day lives with the work that we do and in our personal lives with our families and friends. We must recognize that we are sovereign, autonomous and able.
That is what is important. It’s not solely about behaviors and discipline in behaviors around the empowerment through your health and wellness. It’s also about your perspective and consciousness—choosing your health and wellness and believing that there can be better outcomes in the future despite the extreme and radical circumstances going on in the world.
So much of it is not only about physical, mental or emotional health and wellness. It is about combatting and responding rather than reacting to the grave nature of humanity and the trajectory it appears to be going. We have to think differently and outside of the box—the center will not hold, to quote Joan Didion.
We have to find a new way forward.
MTDHN: Do you think that by addressing wellness in the ways that you are prescribing, this gives employers an advantage in promoting employee mental health?
ARG: Yes. I know from years of work with organizations and individuals alike, true change begins when people feel recognized. I intentionally use the word “feel” because I’m tapping into their emotional intelligence and also use the word “recognized” as literally “re-cognizing,” rethinking and neurologically rewiring the way individuals see themselves on a deep personal, mental and emotional level and within their organizations. This, in turn deepens their personal meaning and the way in which they are empowered to heal and evolve. If an employer invests in the advancement of wellness, mental health will be addressed. By extension the mental health of the organization itself will transform.
There are physical wellness attributes around better sleep, drinking more water, boosting immunity through supplements and a healthy diet, and activating parts of your brain that have been dormant that can respond to mental health challenges. It goes back to the soul pathology of things – everything is interconnected for greater wellness. Mental health challenges can be vastly addressed through not only clinical services or therapies but through simple, accessible tools and techniques that boost accountability and a sense of value within someone, which directly correlates with mental health.
MTDHN: Would people be able to bring in their spouses or children for the programs that you are offering to the market?
ARG: Absolutely! Employers who recognize the additional layer of inclusivity like we get with health insurance—would be thinking beyond the box. When we extend soul pathology and evolved wellness opportunities not only to the employee, but to their family as well, greater cohesion, value and trust becomes intrinsic and ultimately the better we all are at work.
We each have instances where challenges and difficulties arise in our personal lives, and in turn, we bring it to work. Conversely, we also have difficult or challenging scenarios going on at work that we bring home. I have been on both sides of that coin. The areas that are most profoundly impacted are our work and personal life, especially in Western culture where these two lives are inevitably intertwined and lack balance and better-defined boundaries. If they are intertwined, how do we create greater health, wellness and synergy to perform and contribute optimally at work and at home?
As a disclaimer, it is not the employer’s responsibility for the dynamics of someone’s household. However, if they can think beyond their employees to include families and offer these wellness opportunities, they can create trust—something that is intangible that will last and is more infinite than finite.