Volume 2, Issue 17: Marilee Benson, President & Co-Founder, Zen Healthcare IT, Discusses Simplifying Data Interoperability and Optimizing Long-Term Interface Management to Protect Patient Data

Dear Colleagues,

On Friday, June 10, the Biden administration announced that it would lift the requirement that travelers to the United States test negative for the coronavirus before boarding a plane. The travel industry met the news with great joy — it has been lobbying federal officials hard to lift the rule. The expectation is that international travel will get even more of a boost from the change, which went into effect early Sunday morning, June 12.

This issue brings you Marilee Benson, president and co-founder of Zen Healthcare IT to discuss solving the problem of secure data exchange between systems and providers by simplifying data interoperability and optimizing long-term interface management.

Please stay safe and tell me how you are breaking ground in these growing industries.

Laura Carabello
Executive Editor and Publisher
Medical Travel & Digital Health News
[email protected]
