Volume 3, Issue 4: Victor S Dorodny, MD, ND, PhD, MPH (Chief Wisdom Officer @ DrDorodny.com) Discusses the Importance of Mental Health Access for Underserved Groups in the U.S.

Dear Colleagues, I hope you are all having a great new year so far! I’m excited to share my article titled, Ongoing Reinvention of Primary Care, published as the cover page in the January issue of The Self Insurer! Please find this article in the new section of our website where

Volume 3, Issue 3: Graham Dodge, Founder, Garnish Health, Discusses How He Created a Health Cost Sharing Network to Help People Afford Medical Bills

Dear Colleagues, I am excited to share the newest addition to our website—a collection of monthly articles I have written for The Self Insurer! Here you will find the different articles I have written in 2022. I look forward to publishing more articles in 2023 and I hope you will look

Volume 2, Issue 24: Susan Torroella, CEO & President, ArmadaHealth Discusses Connecting Patients with the Right Doctor According to their Specific Needs and Preferences

Dear Colleagues, Rising costs and inflation are affecting medical patients and have resulted in Americans travelling outside of the U.S. to receive medical and dental treatment. It is reported that more than 787,000 Americans are expected to seek treatment outside the country this year, exceeding pre-pandemic levels. This issue brings you Susan

Volume 2, Issue 23: Professor Yunkap Kwankam, Chairman, Board of Directors, and Dr. Thais Russomano, Member Telenethealth Advisory Board, Telenethealth, Discuss the Ability to Remotely Capture Data, Monitor Health and Capture Information from Any Medical Device

Dear Colleagues, I am thrilled to share that I had the opportunity to participate in a Congressional Briefing last week on behalf of the American Macular Degeneration Foundation. Sponsored by the Eye and Vision Research Institute and held at the Rayburn Congressional Office Building, this event brought together leading scientific researchers, the

Volume 2, Issue 22: Adam Brodsky, M.D., CardiacSense, Discusses Improving Outcomes Through Noninvasive, Long-Term Heart Monitoring Device

Dear Colleagues, According to a survey from the British Dental Association, an increasing number of dental patients in the UK are travelling to foreign countries to seek dental treatment. However, the association is urging dental care travelers to educate themselves on the risks and alternatives before deciding to receive treatment abroad. This

Volume 2, Issue 21: Michael Tu, Founder and CEO, Everyplace Labs Discusses Unique, Automated Self-Service Diagnostic Kiosk For Congregate Living Settings and Worksites

Dear Colleagues, The U.S. is a hot spot for medical tourists each year with patients often paying for expensive medical procedures out of their own pockets. However, the pandemic’s travel restrictions caused $1.9 billion of medical tourism revenue to be eliminated in 2020 and 2021, new research shows. This issue brings you

Volume 2, Issue 20: Sergio Fonda, President and Founder, and Matteo Confalonieri, CEO, IppocraTech, Discuss the Use of Non-Invasive Medical Device for the Simultaneous Measurement of the Five Vital Parameters

Dear Colleagues, I am excited to share my recent article titled, “Full Speed Ahead for International and US Domestic Medical Travel,” featured in the August issue of The Self Insurer! With the requirement for travelers to test negative for COVID-19 before entering the U.S. being lifted, the medical travel industry is

Volume 2, Issue 19: Laurel Pickering, Head of Strategic Alliance, Centivo, Discusses Facilitating Direct Contracting For Employers and Improving Care for Employees

Dear Colleagues, The medical tourism market size is expected to increase by USD 16.88 billion between 2020 and 2025. With the availability of low-cost, high quality treatment options at various medical tourism destinations, I am excited to see this market continue to grow! This issue brings you Laurel Pickering, Head of Strategic

Volume 2, Issue 18: Kelly Webb, Director of Sales and Marketing, Exclusive Surgeries Solutions, Discusses Helping Companies Guide Employees to Better Healthcare and Reduce Costs

Dear Colleagues, South Korea is looking towards the development of wellness tourism and will be promoting the country as a major medical tourism destination. Known for its advanced medical services, South Korea may be a destination to consider for your medical travel plans. This issue brings you Kelly Webb, Director of Sales

Volume 2, Issue 17: Marilee Benson, President & Co-Founder, Zen Healthcare IT, Discusses Simplifying Data Interoperability and Optimizing Long-Term Interface Management to Protect Patient Data

Dear Colleagues, On Friday, June 10, the Biden administration announced that it would lift the requirement that travelers to the United States test negative for the coronavirus before boarding a plane. The travel industry met the news with great joy — it has been lobbying federal officials hard to lift the rule. The